2024.11 PizzaSwap LPfest Epoch 1 is comingWe’re excited to share that PizzaSwap LPfest Epoch 1 is just around the corner!🥳 Are you ready to explore PizzaSwap to get LP reward?1d ago1d ago
Fractal Node Update v0.2.2 Now Released!Recently, we have noticed an increase in the orphan block rate on the Fractal network. To improve node connectivity and reduce the…Oct 18Oct 18
(2024.09) UniSat Products Release ScheduleOver the past two weeks, Fractal Bitcoin mainnet has been successfully launched and brc-20 on Fractal has been activated since block height…Sep 221Sep 221
2024.07 UniSat Inscribe Service Fee Major AdjustmentWe are thrilled to announce a major adjustment to the inscribing service fees on #UniSat. Your inscribing costs will drop significantly!🔥Jul 231Jul 231
2024.07 UniSat Swap Product Important UpdateOver the past six months, we have been dedicated to advancing the standardization of brc20-swap on Layer 1 (the Bitcoin mainnet) in…Jul 72Jul 72
2024.04 brc20-swap UpdatesDuring the Bitcoin halving period, in addition to improving existing services, we are also actively advancing the standardization work…Apr 23Apr 23